My old oscilloscope, a Leader 20 Mhz Analog Scope, became difficult to maintain, and was getting old, and unreliable. Then I had a situation where I needed a scope to fix a problem. This was a situation where I really needed to see the signal to fix the problem. So I decided I needed to get something other than a full blown scope, can't afford it. I looked at various Data Acquisition equipment. I also looked at Cell Phone App Scopes which use the microphone as the signal input. There are various wireless solutions that utilize remote data acquisition, and bluetooth to get data to the phone app. But I need bandwidth, an audio frequency input isn't going to catch the high speed digital signals I want to look at. Then I found the Velleman Instruments HPS140. It can grab 40 Mega-Samples per second, and has 10 MHz bandwidth, in a pocket sized, battery powered package.
My work takes me to various places, and I have a need for portability. The Velleman Instruments HPS140 is perfect for what I do. Its a powerful scope that can look at the signal I need to look at, in a light, portable, battery powered package. This is what I have been waiting for...
The signal the scope is monitoring is the output of sine wave generator that can go past audio frequencies. You can hear the camera microphone aliasing as the generators output exceeds its input frequencies. When you listen to the output in person its a fairly clean sinewave doing a sweep in frequency. The recorded audio is very strange because of the aliasing of the microphone input. The HPS140 can easily measure supersonic frequencies. Its looks at a 4 Mhz clock on another board with no problems. I am much more capable with this scope in my tool bag...