Saturday Night... I'm fixin' to watch Buck Rogers, working on cleaning up the house after Christmas, making some food, and doing some laundry. Kim had some issue we needed to talk about, and then I heard the sound of a waterfall. Water pouring out onto a stone surface. WTF Batman... So I went to look for the source of the sound, and it is the toilet. The toilet was pouring water out of the bowl onto the floor into the study bathroom...
Fucking Yay! I just love sewage backups, especially on Saturday Night when I'm fixin' to watch Buck Rogers... I've got this crappy old sewer pipe system that was built in 1978, with iron pipes. The pipes pretty much disintegrate with oxidation, then are subject to penetration by roots, or just being crushed by the shifting of the house. Fucking Yay!
Hey! Lets throw in some collateral problems as well... I renewed this toilet maybe three, or four years ago, and the hardware is rusted shut. Yay! I just love cutting rusted bolts off plumbing, most especially toilets...
I've got a drain auger that I use to clean out sewer pipes. The screwy thing there is attached to 50 foot long cable. I push it through the stuck pipe, and it can usually bust the clog. This time it didn't work... I went through maybe 35 feet of pipe, very gunky, and didn't open the drain. So, I'm kinda stuck here at the moment. I don't know what else to do but call the plumber. That is going to be very expensive...