The first post I was working with on this corner seemed to go fairly easily. The original post had decomposed inside the concrete slug, and the concrete slug was partially intact. I was able to use this partially intact concrete slug to hold the first post to stabilize this corner. I had intended to return to this post, finish cleaning out the hole, and then pour a new concrete slug to hold a new post that is square to the rest of the fence. Easy right? Not... Down in the bottom of this hole was the remainder of the concrete slug that was wider at the bottom of the hole. It was very difficult to remove, and I wound up breaking my shovel trying to remove it.
So it took several hours to finish cleaning out this hole. After I removed the old concrete I was able to set a new post, and refill the hole with some fresh concrete. Now the North East fence corner has four fresh posts to support it, and it is solid once again.
This one corner has taken about three days of work, and it is not done yet. I plan on adding a pressure treated 2x8 footer board to seal the bottom of the panel to the ground. Then I want to replace the runners with 2x4 pressure treated boards so that all the support structure is pressure treated wood. Last I want to replace the pickets with pre-stained 6 inch Cedar Boards to make it pretty. So, maybe another day, and this prototype panel will be done.