I've found a neat little Computer Case Fan that I'm using for a Solder Fan. This one has three speeds, and Blue LEDs. With a little speed control, and LEDs I don't need to make a circuit board for it. This makes these Solder Fans much cheaper. I add the finger gaurdz, and a base with feet, and a couple tie wraps, boom... Solder Fan!
Friday, June 22, 2018
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Monday, January 8, 2018
The Water Vitalizer Beta has been Chugging for a couple weeks. There is a discontinuity in the bottom of the Erlenmeyer Flask so you have to maneuver the Flask a little to find the sweet spot, and get the spinner Chugging. Chugging, I am defining, as the Vortex of Air getting to the Spinner, then mixed with the Water. This facilitates the oxygenation of the water, and the motion of the Water is adding energy to the Water. Chugging produces a unique sound. The Vortex of Air mixing with the Water produces a slurping sound. Its neat, check it out...
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